Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh, The Notebook

Say I'm a Bird...

Oh, Rachel McAdams.
Why can't i have your face?
She's just so darn beautiful.
Especially in this movie.
with her dresses.
I wish i could look like her.
I someday want to wear dresses more often.
Like stinkin Loreali and Rory Gilmore too.
They always wear dresses.

Anways, enough about that.
The Notebook is on in the background.
I'm drinkin tea that i let get too cold.
and that i probably put too much sugar in.
And I just painted my nails red.

Tomorrow is Friday- [the weekend]
YAY :)

  1. Homework. Friday, if necessary. And Saturday, til i am finished with all that is due Monday. that way i can "rest" on Sunday like we talked about at church this past week. Rest as in not saving all my homework til that day and being stressed/loaded with work i could have worked on earlier if i had not wasted all of my time. Rest as in reflecting. Rest as in journaling and reading and spending time with God. Rest as in watching America's Funniest Home Videos and Extreme Makeover Edition. Not sure all of that is the resting we talked about in church, but that is how i intend to spend my Sunday.
  2. Possibly Panera. maybe i should save my money though.
  3. Possibly buy a pet fish to put in a special jar. Samm gave me a handful of glass jars for Christmas this year and I have been trying to find a way to use them all. One has a red lid and is a decent size jar and I thought (I think to Rachel) "what can i do with this? what can i put in here?" And if I am remembering correctly (if she was actually a part of this thought process) we concluded on a fish. So i just might go ahead and do that at some point. Get myself a pet fish that I can wave at with my index finger and who i can give a good home to. I'm just thinking about it a lot because i think i am more excited to use my jar than i am to actually have a pet fish, and that should not be how it goes. I must really want to take care of a fish and not just have an excuse to use my jar, you know? This is kind of serious. it is a live creature, in my hands. and i want it to be in good hands.
  4. should get some groceries.
  5. church.
Today was my first day in the 3rd grade class i will be hanging with this semester. it is for my pre-practicum. i had a really good time, and surprisingly, was not all that nervous. i don't think i am going to dread it at all, and i think i am even going to enjoy going each week. even though i have to be there at 8:15 in the morning. I hate waking up. but this is life. this is something i am going to have to get used to. this is a part of growing up. which, is the journey i'm on. a journey to adulthood?

I am only tlaking about "this journey" because for my Jr Year writing class (yes, as my last semester Senior year) i had to write a paper on my "future plans." and in it i talked about how i'm on a journey to adulthood. i'm somehow in the process of becoming a "grown up" i guess. even though it is looking a lot differently than i had expected/planned out as a child.

i am off.

and wondering why is it that everytime i paint my fingernails i always have to go to the bathroom, minutes after. it's like my body knows i can't use my fingers to wipe. so either i decide to hold off so i do not smudge the nails OR i go for it and risk smudging.



  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. It makes me laugh. I never knew you were a hidden poet. Your prose is so nice. Anyhow I guess after reading/being a creeper I will let you know that I am around este semana :) if you feel like hanging out. And I'm really glad your 3rd grade practicum went well--those kids must luv ya.

  2. thanks Chels ;) i like that you love my blog. it has been very fun and enjoyable for me to write. see ya in church tomorrow.

    ps, how am i supposed to know when you leave a comment? is there any way for me to be notified? i just happened to come across this one.
