Monday, March 21, 2011

Dream Bathing Suit

i've been wanting a vintage bathing suit like the ones worn in the 40s or 50s.
when what was considered beautiful was a little bit of meat on your bones and the cut went above the belly button. 

wishing this one from Anthropologie was only about $35 and not $100.
dang you prices at the most beautiful store ever!!

beautiful though, right?
and floral.
just how i like it!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wanna Hear Some Funny Jokes?

Kait and I were on the train last weekend and to kill some time, we started making up some funny jokes.
here they are:

How many monkeys does it take to open an ice cream container?
just one.
What do you do when a hippo shows up at your front door?
option 1: you say "HIP HIP HORRAY!!! it's a HIPP-O-POT-A-MUS!!"
option 2: you say "what took you so long?"
option 3: you do some hip hop moves

What do you do when a toilet bowl meets a cotton ball?
option 1: before they can answer say, really fast..."i don't know! you tell me!"
option 2: toilet bowl says "nice to meet you, wanna dunk?"
option 3: cotton ball says "i think we're gonna need another cotton ball."

What happens when a toy block meets a waffle?
option 1: toy block says "Heyy! i don't fit!!"
option 2: waffle says "Hey, are you a LEGO?!? cuz i'm an EGGO! YO!"

get them? aren't we funny?
we at least crack ourselves up and that's all that really matters ;)