Thursday, January 13, 2011

oh, Preschoolers

some days i think i really don't enjoy working with preschoolers.
part of that is due to my constant discontentment with all things in life (something i need major work on) so i think my job is not "ideal" -- therefore making preschoolers not ideal.
but part of it is also due to just how stinkin hard it can be on some days!
days where they don't wanna help clean up any of their messes so i end up picking up after them all day. or days when they can't seem to pull up their sleeves on their own or turn on the water to wash their hands on their own. or days where washing hands takes what seems like 10 minutes per child when it should be a 1 minute thing. or days when they simply don't wanna wash their hands- even after they have just peed and not even wiped themselves before pulling up their pants!! those kind of days.
or days when they don't wanna pull up their pants after going to the bathroom. so they sit on the floor, bare butt, yelling "NOOO" to me as i try to get them up and help them. but then i become insecure at what i'm doing and feel like i am doing something horrific because they are screaming as though i'm murdering them. those kind of days.
or days when they don't wanna nap so refuse to. those kind of days make the day so much more difficult.
or days when i'm eating my lunch (in about 10 minutes tops) while having kids come over to talk to me but end up spitting their crackers or whatever they are eating at the time, all over my face. this actually isn't so bad- gross, indeed. but kind of funny. and on a good day for me, i enjoy them being all over me. but sometimes it can be challenging to not get 10 mins of freedom of attention giving and constant interaction.
i don't know how my boss does it. all day.

and i guess how parents do it?! this is indeed part of parenting. but on such a lighter scale. and yet still so tiring. oh boy. and i wonder if i will ever be able to handle parenting.

but i have to remind myself that this does not mean i don't enjoy preschoolers in general.
as little beings.
just maybe i'm not set out to work with them. because they require so much energy and i'd much rather be working with early elementary. and doing math and spelling.

but despite all those things, they are pretty DANG funny!

today while playing with one little boy, i get a strong whiff of some pee. i take a look down at his pants and realize he is wet all over the front. turns out he was wet all over his behind too when he walked away to get changed. but this was our lil conversation-
Me: Did you go to the bathroom? Did you go to the bathroom in your pants?
J: [looks at me for a few seconds] i already went......[pause] woooops!!

i couldn't help but laugh. his response with the "woooops" just killed me.
things like this really do make my job enjoyable. i just laugh at them.

another interaction with the same kid {once he got his pants changed.}
we were playing with these things (don't know the name for them) that basically remind me of big straws. so he put two together and said something like-
J: Look! a fishing pole!
Me: Ohh, cool! {and i do the motions to rail it in. and then ask him} is there a fish on the end???
J: No, i just caught a BOOT!

a boot? and he said it so loud and emphasized the "t" on the end. BOOT.
i died again. where did that come from. i just wasn't expecting a boot.
it killed me.

and the final, best of all. best of all because it's the grossest of all.

one of my favorite little girls is on the toilet today. her English isn't the best and her accent is great! i love hearing her call my name..."Va-ginnn-IAA." you obviously can't hear that in your head as you read it like i can but just imagine it. it's hilarious.

so while on the toilet, she looks back. to see what she's dropped in the toilet i guess.

she says: "S" Va-ginn-IA. S

confused, i go over and take a look. but before i even need to look, i can smell the poop as i entered the bathroom.
"aww, dang. i gotta deal with poop" is my immediate thought.

so getting past the smell, {this is my job, i'm pretty used to it by now} i take a look and INDEED...there is her poop, in the shape of an S. it was so funny.
the fact that she took a look at her poop. the fact that despite her not so great english, she knew the letter S, even made by her own poop. the fact that i'm looking at someone else's poop and thinking "you're so right, it is an S." the fact that it was the longest string of poop i have everrrr witnessed! gross i know, but it was long. and unbroken. haha. so nasty i know but you had to see it.

and then i proceed to laugh inside and out loud a little as i watch her and her little smirk, almost as though she were impressed with her work. and then i wipe her bumm.

yes, this is my job.


  1. haha. this is so funny Virginia. I'm glad you can still find moments to laugh even though your job isn't ideal!

  2. I loved reading this. Cracking up and snorting the whole way through. How hilarious that she saw an S hahasha good thing you just had to look at it and didn't have to clean it of the floor or something.

    Haha vaginnnia! I can hear it!
