Last week i spent the entire time in Revere-
it began with a sweet 16 party for my cousin Ashlee.
followed by a day on my brother's [broken] boat which turned into a day on his dingy.
we went home around dinner time to grab something to eat and then went back so he could work on his engine some more. i think he just wanted some company because after dinner he asked me if i was going back with him (which i think is a little unusual, unless, like i said, he is a little lonely). so i did. he worked a little. and then we went for a little "putt putt" on his dingy, over to Orient Hights yacht club for a drink. he got a beer. i got a white zinfandel. yumm. it was a really fun lil adventure and just special to go for a ride with my big bro.
i love going for rides. and i love my big bro.
and then the week consisted of more time with Lightning, going to Kohl's with my parents, laughs with Ngozi, going shopping with cousin Maria.
and then the whale watch which i already posted about.
and THEN Saturday.
my graduation party.
it was really such a fun day.
I'm thankful for who was able to make it out that day.
thankful for perfectly hot and sunny weather that day.
thankful for my parents and all the thought that went into the party.
thankful for all of their preparation and cooking.
thankful for my personal photographer [Kait] capturing so many great photos.
thankful to have shared the celebration with Ngozi.
thankful to have met lil stinkin Xavier!
thankful for a night on John's jet ski with my friends for a change.
thankful for a lil tour of Winthrop and for John treating us to a night out on his boat.
the weather was beautiful, the water was perfect.
the combination of going down to the boat, in Winthrop, seeing Boston right in front of us, hanging with my bro AND my friends, and on the water truly made for a perfect ending to such a great day.
thank you God, truly.
truly, truly.
i don't thank you enough. but those are some of the specifics.
and now on to some pictures...
Me and John sitting on the swing together.
let's hope that those legs of mine are not really that ghostly white and that there is some sort of reflection from the sun or something! i'm gonna work on that today actually- getting some sun on those legs of mine.
it began with a sweet 16 party for my cousin Ashlee.
followed by a day on my brother's [broken] boat which turned into a day on his dingy.
we went home around dinner time to grab something to eat and then went back so he could work on his engine some more. i think he just wanted some company because after dinner he asked me if i was going back with him (which i think is a little unusual, unless, like i said, he is a little lonely). so i did. he worked a little. and then we went for a little "putt putt" on his dingy, over to Orient Hights yacht club for a drink. he got a beer. i got a white zinfandel. yumm. it was a really fun lil adventure and just special to go for a ride with my big bro.
i love going for rides. and i love my big bro.
and then the week consisted of more time with Lightning, going to Kohl's with my parents, laughs with Ngozi, going shopping with cousin Maria.
and then the whale watch which i already posted about.
and THEN Saturday.
my graduation party.
it was really such a fun day.
I'm thankful for who was able to make it out that day.
thankful for perfectly hot and sunny weather that day.
thankful for my parents and all the thought that went into the party.
thankful for all of their preparation and cooking.
thankful for my personal photographer [Kait] capturing so many great photos.
thankful to have shared the celebration with Ngozi.
thankful to have met lil stinkin Xavier!
thankful for a night on John's jet ski with my friends for a change.
thankful for a lil tour of Winthrop and for John treating us to a night out on his boat.
the weather was beautiful, the water was perfect.
the combination of going down to the boat, in Winthrop, seeing Boston right in front of us, hanging with my bro AND my friends, and on the water truly made for a perfect ending to such a great day.
thank you God, truly.
truly, truly.
i don't thank you enough. but those are some of the specifics.
and now on to some pictures...
Me and John sitting on the swing together.
let's hope that those legs of mine are not really that ghostly white and that there is some sort of reflection from the sun or something! i'm gonna work on that today actually- getting some sun on those legs of mine.

Me and Aunty June blowing up some fun blow ups for the pool!
that right there is a volley ball net i believe!

This is my delicious cake that i made with the help of my dad and Kait. Half chocolate, half yellow. and then my favorite- whipped creme and strawberries! what can be better than that?
[you should all know that i dropped the rest of this bad boy on the way up my stairs, the next morning, bringing what was left of it from the basement to my kitchen fridge. where did i drop it?? RIGHT when i made it to the top of the landing, right outside the kitchen door. brings back memories of my cake dropping incident Valentines Day, freshman year, Samm and Kait, 9th floor Washington. am i a klutz or what?!]
Dad got the ice cream machine working for the party! we haven't seen that thing for a couple years now! Everyone got a kick out of it, including Kait.

Friends, always.
she makes me laugh.

you have to admit, he's a good looking kid!
and would be even cuter if he kicked that nasty smoking
habit of his!

funny story/convo in the pool-
John talking to me and Samm: "it's kids like Natalia that make me wanna have kids"
later on while playing...Natalia: "I hate you, i hate you John."
Samm says to John: "Oh really, John? it's kids like her that make you wanna have kids?"
too funny.
What a riot she is!
but she is truly a little sweet girl.
see that belly of hers? i was making fart noises on it the entire time i was in the pool with her.

and these are just some of the people and moments from my graduation party.
again, thank you Kait for capturing these great moments in photos.
Come back for more of my graduation celebration!
to be posted at a later date.
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