Sunday, February 28, 2010

complete 180

This weekend I drove home and on the way, the snow was really coming down in the beginning of my journey and the roads were really slippery. At one point (I don't even know what happened seconds before this) i started slipping. i began sliding to the right. i must have tried slamming my foot on the breaks (it was just a reflex) and my breaks started to pump and then i started sliding to the left. i don't even know if i kept my foot on the break or what made me turn the wheel from right to left as i was sliding, but then all of a sudden...i was turning. towards the on coming traffic. until i somehow stopped after doing a complete 180 on the highway. luckily we were all going so slow that the cars coming my way were able to stop before hitting me. i was definitely lucky. i simply (well not so simply...i was scared as heck) backed up a little and did a turn to face the other direction on the road. the cars waited patiently for me as i began to drive 10mph scared for my life. legs shaking.

but i made it home safely. Thank you God.

and i returned to Amherst this afternoon. w/o having gone to the boat show with my dad.
sad :(
i pray we can go next year. it's our yearly tradition

i'm off to unpack/put clothes away/call a few friends.

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