Monday, January 25, 2010

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, and more rain.

Today it rained. A LOT! when i walked out of my apartment and stepped outside, it smelt like Spring. probably cause it was in the 50's. crazy! i know that cause my snazzy new phone tells me the weather. i'm still not used to it though and still miss my redberry.

i tried to appreciate the rain today. i was glad i had my rain boots on, that's for sure. the puddles were more like little rivers some places on campus. at one point i was even laughing at everyone else as they were laughing at how RIDICULOUS the weather/rain was. while trying to shield ourselves from the blowing wind in our faces, it seemed that for quite a few people. the only thing we could do was laugh. and that is a good thing

i truly have never seen so many umbrellas in one day. umbrellas that were being use by people. umbrellas that were being blown inside out because of the crazy wind. and umbrellas that were just thrown to the ground, no longer wanted by their owner, probably because they too went inside out and no longer worked. that is one bummer about rain/umbrellas on campus...with the crazy wind on campus, especially near the library... umbrellas almost always break.

question/frustration of the day: why won't my itunes work? and why wouldn't the stinkin printer at the library print anything I wanted it to print today?

i don't want to use this blog as a way to complain/vent but i am giving in today.

now on to write a paper about my future plans...


1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. I saw abandoned umbrellas as well. My umbrella stuck by its trusty owners side as we braved the library wind tunnel. Success haha. But yes this Monday was a struggle, and yes use your blog as a vent because its always so fun to go back and me. See you tomorrow a la navs.
