Sunday, January 31, 2010

i wore them.

did i rock them?
i wouldn't go that far.
but i did wear them.
my new red shoes that is.

today i...
woke up.
put my black n white dress on,
followed by my new red shoes.
stood on the toilet bowl of my bathroom to get a full length view of my outfit.
went into the kitchen to see what Rachel thought.
"are they too much?" i asked.
she kind of thought so.
she said i should try my other new pair.
but i insisted that they just wouldn't do.
they have a hole by my toes and i was wearing tights.
and i just can't ever seem to wear shoes with holes by the toes in the winter.
with tights.
they are for the summer i think.
so i told Rach that no matter what, they are going to be like BAM.
they are bright red.
so putting that aside, i asked her again...
"they don't look bad, do they?"
we...or i...finally decided to just go for it.

went to church.
hung out with the kids and talked about temptation.
met my parents.
picked up Kait,
enjoyed church sermon.
dropped Kait and Bethany off in town.
drove to Olive Garden.
enjoyed a nice lunch with my parents.
i don't know where i am going with this.
i don't really want to write my entire day out, minute by minute, like this.
so i shall stop.

i did have a nice time with my parents today. i'm glad they visited.
Happy Anniversary mom and dad. love youz

just watched America's Funniest Home videos and the Duggars.
was successful with not doing homework today.
was not quite as successful as being useful/productive like i had hoped.
i'm thinking i might be in bed by 10pm tonight.
tomorrow is Monday.
kind of boo to that.
wish i was more excited for Mondays.
i should work on that.

oh, i am forgetting another detail about my red shoes.
and i promise, enough about the red shoes in one minute.
but i knew insecurities would come up today.
i knew at least one person would make a comment.
cough. cough.
like my dad.
and mom.
RIGHT when i entered the car they both made a comment.
that made me rethink me decision of wearing them and buying them.
and rethink my new like for red.
i wish i could remember all the jokes my dad made today about the stinkin shoes.
like how maybe i would find a guy with them.
or how i should have kait paint them black.
or liek the italian flag with red white and green.
or other things that i can't even think of, there were so many.
he was not a fan.
nor was my mom.
bbuuttt India was my first fan.
then Kait. thank God for her.
she "gasped" apparently when she noticed them.
and that made me sigh a sigh of relief cause she is Kait.
and stinkin stylish.
usually the person i say can get away with wearing anything.
so there was a good balance between her gasp and my dad's comments.
and i kind of concluded that my dad just doesn't have taste.
and he doesn't have to like them.
or my mom.
as long as i do.
and i do.
and Samm even says they are "me" tonight.
which surprised me because to be honest, i wish they were really "me."
but i'd say i am more so trying to be someone else by wearing them.
like someone who is confident enough to wear bright red shoes.
like Stephanie Nielson (my new inspiration.)
all because of the end of one Oprah episode i saw over break.
and i just love her.
anyways, maybe by continuing to wear them i will one day feel like they are indeed "me."
that will make me glad.

well i am off.
to bed.
well no, really to read.
and then bed.



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