Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1 Dislike, 1 Like

i Dislike:
trying to get a wet bathing suit back on you after you have to run to the bathroom!
it just doesn't happen.
especially when it's a one piece.
i try to avoid it at all costs-
by either peeing in the ocean.
or outside by spraying a hose in that area
(like when i was a kid- but i haven't done this in a while)
or i change my bathing suit all together.
just to avoid the annoyance of it all.
because when i do go through with it,
it takes at least 3 whole minutes of trying to pull it up!
no fun.

but wanna know what i like?

i Like:
buying really good songs on itunes for only 99 cents
when the song are like 8-10 minutes long!
what a deal.

just some random thoughts before i post about my graduation party with some awesome pictures my personal photographer [Kait] captured.

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