Wednesday, January 13, 2010

107.9, Day 3

"Kiss 108"

This is the radio station my little cousins Ashlee and Amanda always want to listen to when they are in the car. And since I had dinner with them, my mom, and Aunty June tonight, this is what we heard in the car since both of them just had to ride with their favorite cousin and Aunt and ditch their mom on the way to the 99 :)

Me and my mom both look at each other when certain songs come on and say "What are we listening to?" But I'm sure she enjoys it more than my preference for
Country 102.5 and we all know my cousins do not enjoy my favorite radio station. Cause if they did enjoy it, they wouldn't always insist on Kiss 108 everytime we hang out. and I mean everytime.

Highs of the day:
*Visiting my nana. My aunt put bobby pins in her hair and for some reason, they looked so funny and me and my mom just started cracking up.
*Amanda telling me about how her bus driver left her today when she ran off the bus to get a napkin cause she had a bloody nose. Good thing the stop she hopped off at was one where people knew her and they could call for her mom. My poor aunt and cousin Ash almost panicked for a second when the door of the bus shut without any Amanda coming off. The story was pretty funny, especially when I try to imagine Amanda's face when she ran out of the building only to find that her bus had left w/o her. The story isn't that funny because she actually cried, but it's funny now cause she can laugh about it and also because I know she is perfectly safe.
*Dinner at the 99 and taking Amanda to the bathroom not once, but twice. The second time in which she told me it was going to be a while cause it was "stuck"- if you know what I mean.

Now I'm off to a sleepover. YES, on a school night. Amanda and Ash are playing "hookie" tomorrow and spending one more night with me before I go back to school.

Plans for tomorrow-
Wake up.
words from Amanda right this instant "Wake up of course at like 12." Apparently she thinks I sleep in, huh? She's right, but not tomorrow.
Go to Dunkin for breakfast. Supercuts to get a hair cut. Old Navy. Visit mom at her work. Lunch at some point. Hang out doing who knows what else for the rest of the day until they leave with their dad at 3:30.


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