Sunday, September 19, 2010

First EVER UMass Game

Last week i went to my first ever UMass football game.

You may ask- "But Virginia, didn't you already graduate?"
To that I would respond- "Yupp! so what! i'm a little late! but now i can cross it off my list of To Do's before i [graduate]
leave Amherst."
my id still works so i got in for free!
now if only this were the case for the hockey games!

the game was alright. nothing special. probably why i have never gone in the past.
our school has no school spirit!
Anyways, by the color scheme that us Main Street ladies wore that night- you'd think we have some sort of green team- like the Umass Crocodiles or something.
but nope.
we just like green apparently.

1) Jenn and i pretending we are excited. well Jenn really was excited and kind of bummed the rest of us weren't as enthused as she was! while she and everyone else around us stood up to cheer, me Chels and Kait stayed sitting. Sorry Jenn!
2) just roomie love and smiles

we like to pose like this. we did this for our "first day of school/preschool" picture too

Yay for piggy-backs! [thanks jenn]

practicing our faces for when we try out for America's Next Top Model.

My two red haired friends!


here's to Umass and all that it has blessed me with.
and here's to living life in Amherst with great friends.

Prayin Tonight is my Lucky Night

You know what I really love?
Cape Cod Sea Salt And Vinegar Chips.
they are my all-time favorite.
i love them so much that i have to literally make sure i don't eat an entire bag in one day because i am always so tempted! and am totally capable.

One night this summer I was greatly disappointed when I went shopping for a midnight snack while in Pennsylvania attending a friend's wedding.
i walked down the chip aisle 2 times- scanning for the Cape Cod Chip section.
I was so bummed. i had to settle for some Lays Kettle cooked chips or something like that. they're just not the same though.

but it truly never dawned on me.
"Virginia, we're not in Massachusetts. We are in Pennsylvania!" said a friend of mine.
"ohhhh! no way! you mean they really don't sell Cape Cod Chips everywhere? i never even thought of that."
as i'd say: "derrr." i guess that makes sense.
but all i've got to say to that is- bummer!! everyone else is missing out.
i'm thankful to be from MA. even if it were just for these chips alone.


but the real motivation for this blog entry is to tell you about the Giveaway i entered about 20 minutes ago. I came across this girl's blog who seems just as much in love with Chris Lambton as i am. and somehow she (well her and Chris actually) are going to be giving away a signed t-shirt for his family's landscaping company.
how sweet, right?

in order to enter you had to leave her a comment with what you'd want Chris to write on your t-shirt.
here's what he will [hopefully] write to me:

"Virginia, you're all that and a bag of Cape Cod Potato Chips :)"

Imagine?! i'd die! well not really.

but man! i'd love to win.
but it's completely ridiculous and silly- i know!

but how could i resist? he's just so stinkin cute!!

shout out to Katy and Kait for your help with your creativity ;)
pray that i win!

well don't really pray. that's too silly. but wish me very wishful thoughts.